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The brazilian paradise! Discover Bonito in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul

Foto do escritor: eusoumseusoums

The City of Bonito (MS), with an area of 4,934 km2, was formed from an

old farm called Rincão Bonito at the beginning of the 20th century, but its political

emancipation was only on October 2, 1948.

300 km from Campo Grande, the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil,

Destino Bonito (MS) receives flights five times a week from Azul Airlines, connecting

Campinas (São Paulo) directly to Bonito (Mato Grosso do Sul), as well as van

services between Campo Grande and Bonito.

The city's economy encompasses agriculture, especially with soy and

corn, beef cattle, limestone mining and tourism, the latter being consolidated as the

largest generation of jobs and representing more than 50% of the municipality's GDP.

Tourism started in the 1980s and has always been harmonious with

environmental conservation, taking advantage of natural beauty, especially the

crystal clear waters, among the clearest in the world.

Bonito, inserted in the Serra da Bodoquena (Bodoquena Hills), with its

limestone massifs, these rocks that provide the waters of an unparalleled

transparency, making rivers, true sanctuaries of underwater life, with a wealth of plant

and fish species.

In addition to the “snorkeling” activity, which is floating on the rivers of

Bonito, contemplating and experiencing nature, there is a diversity of tourist options

in the city and region. The tourist can enjoy more than 50 activities, among waterfalls

with their different forms, due to the minerals of the limestone, such as knowing the

caves and their stories. There are also activities like abseiling, diving, cycling,

horseback riding, etc.

Taking advantage of the more than 35 natural attractions, Bonito has 8

thousand beds in different types of accommodation, in the most diverse categories,

tous offices, tour guides, in addition to a growing gastronomic diversity and stores of

tourist interest that are open until 23 hours. One characteristic is the lack of a national

or international hotel chain. Thus the tourism income remains in the local community.

Bonito has been a model of ecotourism through its tourism-environmental

management, with policies that involve the Public Power, the Private Sector and the

Community, collecting various awards, among them: 16 times Best Ecotourism

Destination (Travel & Tourism); Best Sustainable Tourism Project (Guia Quatro

Rodas); Best Tourist Attraction in Brazil (Guia Quatro Rodas); World Responsible

Tourism Award (WTM London 2013); Bonito is in the tourism book “1000 places to

see before you die”; Best Ecotourism Destination (Folha de São Paulo).

The city is already prepared to host different events, having a Convention

Center with capacity for 2 thousand people, in addition to different spaces in the hotel


Bonito, with its 21 thousand inhabitants, receives 240 thousand visitors

per year and has invested more and more in events, in order to take advantage of

the tourist potential of the Destination, as well as the generation of business and

income, often in periods low season.

The Municipal Tourism Council - COMTUR de Bonito was one of the first

to be created in the country, since 1995 and is the democratic forum, in which the

different segments of society come together for the organization and promotion of

tourism. Not unlike, the Municipal Council of Mero Ambiente - COMDEMA, also

among the pioneers of Brazil, has acted in the search for the balance between

human activities and the environment itself.

Destino Bonito-MS has been committed to sustainable economic

development, ensuring environmental balance, such as generating jobs and income

for future generations. These projects are policies incorporated in the Municipality of

Bonito, through the Secretariat of Tourism, Industry and Commerce.

Source: Bonito City Hall

Photos: Hudson Garcia

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